very skilled aura user

Are relationships a happy ending ?

We came here to enjoy life or we came to look for a person that fulfill us?
The answer is clear for me we born full of love and complete , of course relationships are important but if you let them be the only source of joy or happiness you will be looking for "the happy ending" forever or you will find it and look for other fulfillment  after the first thing loss effect .
We are complete we are naturally fulfill but the amount of media content that strongly teach that love can only be feel in relationship creating mental state of love poverty or lack .

The more strong is the need of fulfillment  the more negative is going to be the relations  , if a person is happy by himself hes is going to have a more positive relationships  .

If people live for a perfect future they are going to live in a mediocre present , past and future are only mental concepts to communicate information , the idea of a lineal time line is just a concept .

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